- Inclusion: Adult ≥ 18 with generalized convulsive seizures
- Exclusion:
- Pediatrics
- Complex partial seizures
- Acute head trauma
- Multi-system trauma
- Brain mass or tumor
- Immunocompromised patients
- Eclampsia.
- Level A:
- Administer additional antiepileptic medication in refractory status epilepticus who have failed treatment with BZDs
- Level B:
- Administer IV phenytoin, fosphenytoin, or valproate in refractory status epilepticus who have failed BZD
- Level C:
- EP need not initiate antiepileptic medication in ED for 1st time provoked seizure. Identify and treat precipitating medical conditions.
- EP need not initiate antiepileptic medication in ED for 1st time unprovoked seizure with out evidence of brain disease or injury.
- EP may initiate antiepileptic medication in ED or defer in coordination with other providers, for patients who experienced 1st unprovoked seizure w a remote history of brain disease or injury.
- Do not need to admit patients with 1st unprovoked seizure who have returned to clinical baseline in Ed.
- When resuming antiepileptic medication in ED is deemed appropriate, EP may administer IV or oral medication at their discretion.
- Administer IV levitiracetam, propofol or barbiturates in refractory status epilepticus who failed BZD
ACEP Clinical policy: Critical issues in the evaluation and management of adult patients presenting to the emergency department with seizures. Ann Emerg Med. 2014;63:437-447 PDF